
Donnerstag, 3. Februar 2022

Face/Off - Im Körper des Feindes


Face/Off - Im Körper des Feindes

Letztens schaute ich mir den Action Thriller Face/Off - Im Körper des Feindes an. Ein genialer Film, wirklich sehr zu empfehlen, wie alle Filme, die ich bisher mit "Nicholas Cage" angesehen habe. Die bekommen ja schon einen herausragenden Garantie - Stempel für enorm gute Unterhaltung aufgedrückt. Aber ich würde den Film eher dem Schi-Fi - Action - Thriller Genre zuordnen, aus dem einfachen Grund, weil ein derartiges Unterfangen so garantiert nicht funktionieren würde. Wären es allerdings zwei ähnlich aussehende Menschen, mit dem gleichen Körperbau, der gleichen Größe Gesichtsform und Figur gewesen, dann würde so etwas bestimmt im Bereich des Möglichen liegen. Guten Morgen oder besser gute Nacht meine Herrschaften, denn Nicholas Cage und John Travolta haben einen komplett anderen Körperbau, eine andere Kopfform, Figur und ich glaube gleich groß sind die ebenfalls nicht. Das haut also hinten und vorne, ganz gleich wie man es dreht und wenden mag, nicht hin. Da hätte man mit Sicherheit erst einmal sämtliche Knochen brechen müssen, um das irgendwie zu realisieren oder eben den Zauberstab schwingen und die Magie ihre Arbeit erledigen und wirken lassen müssen. Es kam auch irgendein Spruch im Film vor, der sich auf ihre Figuren bezog. Also dieses Ergebnis wäre einzig mit Magie möglich gewesen, mit einem kompletten Körpertausch. Dann wäre natürlich ein Gesichter - Tausch dementsprechend kontraproduktiv gewesen. Bereits der deutsche Filmtitel trägt den Fehler in sich. Es handelt sich immer noch um deren eigene Körper. Nur die Gesichter wurden vertauscht und in dieser Tatsache liegt der Hund begraben.

Sei es drum, die Story ist echt der Hammer, spannend, so wie bedrückend und die Action - Szenen kommen nicht zu kurz!!!




Face/Off - Inside the enemy's body

Recently I watched the action thriller Face/Off - Inside the Body of the Enemy. A brilliant film, really highly recommended, like all the films I've seen with "Nicholas Cage" so far. They already get an outstanding guarantee - a stamp for enormously good entertainment. But I would classify the film more in the shi-fi - action - thriller genre, for the simple reason that such an endeavor would not work guaranteed. However, if they had been two similar-looking people, with the same build, height, face shape, and figure, then something like this would certainly be within the realm of possibility. Good morning or rather good night gentlemen, because Nicholas Cage and John Travolta have a completely different physique, a different head shape, Figure and I think they are not the same size either. So it doesn't hit the back or the front, no matter how you twist and turn it. You would certainly have had to break every bone in order to somehow realize that, or just wave your magic wand and let the magic do its job and let it work. There was also some line in the film that referred to her characters. So this result would only have been possible with magic, with a complete body swap. Then of course an exchange of faces would have been counterproductive. The German film title already contains the error. It's still their own body. Only the faces have been swapped and in that fact the dog is buried. no matter how you twist and turn it, don't go. You would certainly have had to break every bone in order to somehow realize that, or just wave your magic wand and let the magic do its job and let it work. There was also some line in the film that referred to her characters. So this result would only have been possible with magic, with a complete body swap. Then of course an exchange of faces would have been counterproductive. The German film title already contains the error. It's still their own body. Only the faces have been swapped and in that fact the dog is buried. no matter how you twist and turn it, don't go. You would certainly have had to break every bone in order to somehow realize that, or just wave your magic wand and let the magic do its job and let it work. There was also some line in the film that referred to her characters. So this result would only have been possible with magic, with a complete body swap. Then of course an exchange of faces would have been counterproductive. The German film title already contains the error. It's still their own body. Only the faces have been swapped and in that fact the dog is buried. in order to somehow realize that or wave the magic wand and let the magic do its work and have to do its work. There was also some line in the film that referred to her characters. So this result would only have been possible with magic, with a complete body swap. Then of course an exchange of faces would have been counterproductive. The German film title already contains the error. It's still their own body. Only the faces have been swapped and in that fact the dog is buried. in order to somehow realize that or wave the magic wand and let the magic do its work and have to do its work. There was also some line in the film that referred to her characters. So this result would only have been possible with magic, with a complete body swap. Then of course an exchange of faces would have been counterproductive. The German film title already contains the error. It's still their own body. Only the faces have been swapped and in that fact the dog is buried. Then of course an exchange of faces would have been counterproductive. The German film title already contains the error. It's still their own body. Only the faces have been swapped and in that fact the dog is buried. Then of course an exchange of faces would have been counterproductive. The German film title already contains the error. It's still their own body. Only the faces have been swapped and in that fact the dog is buried.

Be that as it may, the story is really awesome, exciting as well as depressing and the action scenes are not neglected!!!




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