
Samstag, 18. September 2021

Ein rotes Auto



                  Ein rotes Auto

Hereinspaziert, hereinspaziert, meine Damen und Herren, zu Mirabellas wahrer Märchenstunde

Mirabella hatte sogar schon das Vergnügen, unfreiwillig versteht sich, Rotkäppchen und der böse Wolf zu spielen. Sie war mit ihren Eltern und Großeltern auf ihrem Wochenendgrundstück. Da sie noch ein kleines Mädchen war, stand ihr Opa jedes mal wenn sie ihren Cousin besuchen wollte, dessen Grundstück sich auf der anderen Straßenseite ein paar Häuser weiter befand, am Zaun und blickte ihr nach, bis sie heil angekommen war. Ausgerechnet an diesem Tag war er beschäftigt und sagte ihr, dass sie auch mal alleine gehen könnte. Mirabella platzte fast vor Stolz. Sie durfte ganz alleine gehen. Mit ihrem Puppenwagen lief sie also erhobenen Hauptes über die Straße, die ohnehin kaum befahren war. Auf halber Strecke hielt plötzlich ein rotes Auto neben ihr. Ein Mann fragte sie nach einer Straße. Doch nachdem sie ihm freundlich mitgeteilt hatte, dass sie ihm nicht helfen kann, fuhr er nicht weiter, sondern fragte sie über Gott und die Welt aus, ob sie hier wohnt, Haustiere besitzt, weiß der Geier nicht alles. Ihre Mama hatte ihr glücklicherweise erzählt, dass man nicht mit Fremden sprechen soll und schon gar nicht mit ihnen gehen. Sie hatte sich auch einen Erwachsenen - Film zu diesem Thema anschauen dürfen. Ihr war also klar, dass dieser Mann nichts gutes im Sinn hatte und sagte ihm, er solle sie in Ruhe lassen und jemand anderen nach dem Weg fragen. Doch der Mann ließ nicht locker. Mirabella sah sich um, ob sie jemanden auf den anderen Grundstücken sehen könnte. Aber keine Menschenseele konnte sie erspähen. Es kam ihr so vor wie in einem Western, wenn ein kleiner vertrockneter Busch über ein verlassenes Gebiet weht.

Sie lief so dicht an den Gartenzäunen entlang, dass sie sich beinahe ihr Bein aufschrammte, ging nun schneller und überlegte, dass es nicht günstig wäre, wenn dieser Mann wüsste zu welchem Grundstücken sie gehört. Gerade als sie dachte "Vielleicht sollte ich einfach weiter laufen", verlor dieser Kerl die Geduld, meinte sie könnte ruhig näher zum Auto kommen und streckte seinen Arm nach ihr aus. Nun rutschte ihr Herz in die Hose und sie rannte einfach aufs Grundstück ihrer Tante. Gott sei Dank war die Tür nicht abgesperrt. Ihre Tante fragte sie, ob alles okay sei, aber sie erzählte nichts, weil ihre Zunge wie gelähmt war und nickte nur. Ihr kam nur plötzlich in den Sinn, als sie auf dem Sofa saß, dass dieser böse Mann sich nun bestimmt andere Kinder sucht und sie ihnen nicht helfen kann. Also ging sie nach draußen, um nachzusehen, ob das Auto noch da stand. Ja, es stand tatsächlich noch dort. Doch als sie gerade ihrer Tante Bescheid sagen und sie darum bitten wollte das Kennzeichen zu notieren, fuhr es davon. Sie machte sich große Vorwürfe nicht sofort reagiert zu haben, beschloss allerdings gleichzeitig ihrer Mama nichts von diesem Vorfall zu erzählen, weil sie sie sonst womöglich nie wieder alleine auf die Straße gelassen hätte. Sie behielt also alles für sich und verdrängte die Angelegenheit so sehr, dass sie sich erst Jahre später wieder daran erinnern konnte und erzählte ihren Eltern erst dann alles. Sie muss wirklich eine ganze Kompanie an Schutzengelchen an ihrer Hand gehabt haben, schließlich hätte der einfach nur aus dem Auto steigen und sie in das selbige zerren müssen.

Ja, Mirabella macht auch Fehler wie jeder Mensch. Die Kunst besteht allerdings darin aus unseren Fehlern zu lernen. Was wäre denn gewesen, wenn dieser böse Mann sie erneut belästigt hätte? Vielleicht wäre sie dann nicht mehr mit dem Schrecken davon gekommen.

Ein rotes Auto

Stolz ging sie über die Straße

ganz allein

Wie konnte das denn bloß 

möglich sein

Ihr Opa stand immer sonst

am Gartentor

Doch nun hatte er eindeutig

was andres vor

Der Weg war überhaupt 

nicht weit

Nur leider stand ein böser Mensch

schon bereit

Ein rotes Auto

sie war noch klein

und im Augenblick ganz allein

Ein rotes Auto

es fuhr nicht nur vorbei

Ein rotes Auto

ein Teufel auf Rädern

Doch sie ließ zum Glück keine Federn

Er fragte sie einfach nur

nach dem Weg

Doch sie konnt ihm nicht weisen

seinen Weg

Er wollte wissen

ob sie hier wohnt

Dachte wohl

ob sich ein Wiedersehen lohnt

Dann fragte er sie weiter aus

und fuhr noch immer nicht

nach haus

Sie war zum Glück

nicht dumm

Drum druckste sie

clever nur herum

Sie gab ihm keine Auskunft

über sich

Doch locker lassen

wollte er nicht

An den Zäunen lief sie 

nun ganz dicht

Damit er sie nicht 

zu fassen kriegt

Ein rotes Auto

sie war noch klein

und im Augenblick ganz allein

Ein rotes Auto

es fuhr nicht nur vorbei

Ein rotes Auto

ein Teufel auf Rädern

Doch sie ließ zum Glück keine Federn

Bestimmend sagte sie

er solle sie in Ruh lassen

Doch er dachte wohl 

er würde was verpassen

Näher zum Auto

bat er sie heran

Nur das stand nun gar nicht

auf ihrem eignen Plan

Sie überlegte soll sie weiter geh´n

am Ziel vorbei

Damit er nicht weiß

wo sie zuhause sei

Doch dann streckte er

den Arm nach ihr aus

Und sie riss schnell

die Gartentür auf

Ein rotes Auto

sie war noch klein

und im Augenblick ganz allein

Ein rotes Auto

es fuhr nicht nur vorbei

Ein rotes Auto

ein Teufel auf Rädern

Doch sie ließ zum Glück keine Federn







  red  car

Walk in, walk in, ladies and gentlemen, to Mirabella's true fairy tale hour

Mirabella has even had the pleasure, involuntarily of course, of playing Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf. She was with her parents and grandparents at their weekend property. Since she was still a little girl, whenever she wanted to visit her cousin, whose property was a few houses down the road, her grandpa would stand by the fence and watch her until she arrived safely. On this day of all days he was busy and told her that she could go alone sometime. Mirabella was bursting with pride. She was allowed to go all alone. With her doll's pram she ran across the street, which was hardly used anyway, with her head held high. Halfway there, a red car suddenly stopped next to her. A man asked her for a street. But after she kindly informed him that she couldn't help him, he didn't continue, but asked her about everything, whether she lives here, has pets, the vulture doesn't know everything. Luckily her mom had told her not to talk to strangers and certainly not to walk with them. She had also been allowed to watch an adult film on the subject. So she realized that this man was up to no good and told him to leave her alone and ask someone else for directions. But the man didn't give up. Mirabella looked around to see if she could see anyone on the other lots. But not a soul could spot her. It felt like a western when a small dried up bush blows over a deserted area. but asked her about everything in the world, whether she lives here, has pets, the vulture doesn't know everything. Luckily her mom had told her not to talk to strangers and certainly not to walk with them. She had also been allowed to watch an adult film on the subject. So she realized that this man was up to no good and told him to leave her alone and ask someone else for directions. But the man didn't give up. Mirabella looked around to see if she could see anyone on the other lots. But not a soul could spot her. It felt like a western when a small dried up bush blows over a deserted area. but asked her about everything in the world, whether she lives here, has pets, the vulture doesn't know everything. Luckily her mom had told her not to talk to strangers and certainly not to walk with them. She had also been allowed to watch an adult film on the subject. So she realized that this man was up to no good and told him to leave her alone and ask someone else for directions. But the man didn't give up. Mirabella looked around to see if she could see anyone on the other lots. But not a soul could spot her. It felt like a western when a small dried up bush blows over a deserted area. that one should not speak to strangers and certainly not walk with them. She had also been allowed to watch an adult film on the subject. So she realized that this man was up to no good and told him to leave her alone and ask someone else for directions. But the man didn't give up. Mirabella looked around to see if she could see anyone on the other lots. But not a soul could spot her. It felt like a western when a small dried up bush blows over a deserted area. that one should not speak to strangers and certainly not walk with them. She had also been allowed to watch an adult film on the subject. So she realized that this man was up to no good and told him to leave her alone and ask someone else for directions. But the man didn't give up. Mirabella looked around to see if she could see anyone on the other lots. But not a soul could spot her. It felt like a western when a small dried up bush blows over a deserted area. he should leave her alone and ask someone else for directions. But the man didn't give up. Mirabella looked around to see if she could see anyone on the other lots. But not a soul could spot her. It felt like a western when a small dried up bush blows over a deserted area. he should leave her alone and ask someone else for directions. But the man didn't give up. Mirabella looked around to see if she could see anyone on the other lots. But not a soul could spot her. It felt like a western when a small dried up bush blows over a deserted area.

She walked so close to the garden fences that she almost scraped her leg, now she walked faster and considered that it would not be good if this man knew to which property she belongs. Just when she thought "Maybe I should just keep walking", this guy lost patience, said she could walk closer to the car and held out his arm to her. Now her heart dropped and she just ran onto her aunt's property. Thank God the door wasn't locked. Her aunt asked her if everything was okay, but she didn't say anything because her tongue was paralyzed and just nodded. It just suddenly occurred to her as she sat on the sofa that this evil man must be looking for other children and she cannot help them. So she went outside to see was the car still there? Yes, it was actually still there. But just as she was about to tell her aunt and ask her to write down the license plate number, it drove away. She blamed herself for not reacting immediately, but at the same time decided not to tell her mom about this incident, because otherwise she might never have let her out on the street alone again. So she kept everything to herself and repressed the matter so much that she could only remember it years later and only then told her parents everything. She really must have had a whole company of guardian angels on her hand, after all, all he had to do was get out of the car and drag her into it. But just as she was about to tell her aunt and ask her to write down the license plate number, it drove away. She blamed herself for not reacting immediately, but at the same time decided not to tell her mom about this incident, because otherwise she might never have let her out on the street alone again. So she kept everything to herself and repressed the matter so much that she could only remember it years later and only then told her parents everything. She really must have had a whole company of guardian angels on her hand, after all, all he had to do was get out of the car and drag her into it. But just as she was about to tell her aunt and ask her to write down the license plate number, it drove away. She blamed herself for not reacting immediately, but at the same time decided not to tell her mom about this incident, because otherwise she might never have let her out on the street alone again. So she kept everything to herself and repressed the matter so much that she could only remember it years later and only then told her parents everything. She really must have had a whole company of guardian angels on her hand, after all, all he had to do was get out of the car and drag her into it. However, at the same time she decided not to tell her mother about this incident, because otherwise she might never have let her out on the street alone again. So she kept everything to herself and repressed the matter so much that she could only remember it years later and only then told her parents everything. She really must have had a whole company of guardian angels on her hand, after all, all he had to do was get out of the car and drag her into it. However, at the same time she decided not to tell her mother about this incident, because otherwise she might never have let her out on the street alone again. So she kept everything to herself and repressed the matter so much that she could only remember it years later and only then told her parents everything. She really must have had a whole company of guardian angels on her hand, after all, all he had to do was get out of the car and drag her into it.

Yes, Mirabella makes mistakes like everyone else. The trick, however, is to learn from our mistakes. What would have happened if that evil man had molested her again? Maybe then she wouldn't have gotten away with the shock.

 red  car

She proudly crossed the street

all alone

How could that be? 

to be possible

Her grandfather was always different

at the garden gate

But now he clearly had

something else

The way was at all 

not far

Unfortunately, there was a bad man

already ready

A red car

she was still small

and all alone at the moment

A red car

it didn't just drive past

A red car

a devil on wheels

Luckily she didn't lose any feathers

He just asked her

along the way

But she couldn't show him

his way

He wanted to know

if she lives here

Thought so

Is it worth seeing again?

Then he questioned her further

and still didn't drive


Luckily she was

not dumb

That's why you pressed it

clever just around

She gave him no information

about himself

But let it go

he didn't want to

She ran along the fences 

now very tight

So that he doesn't 

get hold of

A red car

she was still small

and all alone at the moment

A red car

it didn't just drive past

A red car

a devil on wheels

Luckily she didn't lose any feathers

She said decisively

he should leave her alone

But he thought so 

he would miss something

Closer to the car

he invited her over

Only that didn't stand at all

on their own plan

She thought she should go on

past the goal

So he doesn't know

where she is at home

But then he stretched

his arm out for her

And she tore quickly

open the garden door

A red car

she was still small

and all alone at the moment

A red car

it didn't just drive past

A red car

a devil on wheels

Luckily she didn't lose any feathers








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N´ guten Hut tut gut!

 👒🎩🤠🎠😜🍵🍰🍯🍬🍭🚀💪💥😂😅🍀😊🥳🎉🕺💃 N´ guten Hut tut gut! Du bist doch verrückt!  Na, das ist toll geglückt! Sei doch stolz auf ´n v...